Advancing an environmentally responsible physiotherapy


The world faces complex and interrelated crises… Climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution, rapid urbanization, geopolitical conflict and militarization, demographic change, population displacement, poverty, and widespread inequity create risks of future crises even more severe than those experienced today. Responses require investments that integrate planetary, societal, community and individual health and well-being (WHO 2021 Geneva Charter for Wellbeing)


 The impact of human activities on our planet’s natural systems has been intensifying rapidly in the past several decades, leading to disruption and transformation of most natural systems. These disruptions in the atmosphere, oceans, and across the terrestrial land surface are not only driving species to extinction, they pose serious threats to human health and wellbeing. Characterising and addressing these threats requires a paradigm shift (Myers, 2017)

Action at the level of direct drivers of nature decline, although necessary, is not sufficient … a sustainable global future’ is ‘only possible with urgent transformative change that tackles the root causes: the interconnected economic, socio-cultural, demographic, political, institutional, and technological indirect drivers behind the direct drivers (Diaz et al., 2019)


An international community of academics, clinicians, practitioners and students interested in exploring and advancing the field of environmental physiotherapy. 


Follow our latest musings on environmental physiotherapy. Ideas, inspiration, news, publications, events, and more. 


Become part of the first international community of physiotherapists with an interest in researching, developing, and practising physiotherapy at a planetary scale. 


A growing selection of resources carefully selected by members of the EPA to inspire your thinking and practice of environmental physiotherapy. 

Intersections of Health, Social, and Environmental Justice: A Canadian Perspective

At the first-ever Environmental Physiotherapy Festival 2023, Erin Keough, Susan Czyzo and I came together to host a talk and discussion on the intersections of different justice areas, the environment, and healthcare, all while centering a Canadian perspective. We...

Can pre-operative physiotherapy reduce the carbon footprint of hospitals?

Healthcare systems have a significant carbon footprint generated through basic infrastructure, medical diagnostic and surgical procedures, as well as patients post-operative hospital stays. There is a growing body of research across various countries looking to...

They are not “natural” disasters, but disasters of vulnerability

Shaun and Mathieu are physiotherapists with experience in disaster response. They were accepted to present a workshop at the Canadian Physiotherapy Association’s “Congress 2020” on the use of the disaster cycle to conceptualize the roles of physiotherapists in the...

Pourquoi il est temps de s’engager collectivement pour une Kinésithérapie écologique?

À l’heure d’une prise de conscience populaire des modifications climatiques et de l’impact humain sur notre environnement, il est temps de proposer des actions concrètes pour réduire notre impact sur le climat. Pour rappel, selon l’IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on...

If you have any thoughts, ideas or questions about environmental physiotherapy,
we would love to hear from you anytime

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