The relationship between health, landscape design and urban design is becoming ever more evident and interest to engage in this area is growing from within the healthcare community. The way our living environments are shaped has direct influences on our health and well-being. It affects how we feel, how we move, and how we recover. Landscape and urban design can be therapeutic, hostile, universal, socially inclusive, or promoting physical activity, active transport and biodiversity, and so much more. On this page, you will find a growing range of resources that will support you in getting involved in landscape and urban design grounded in your unique expertise as a physiotherapist and healthcare professional. 

Relevant publications

Kamp, D. (2023). Nature, Design, and Health: Explorations of a Landscape Architect. Library of American Landscape History. 

Wagenfeld, A., & Marder, S. (2023). Nature-Based Allied Health Practice: Creative and Evidence-Based Strategies. Jessica Kingsley Publishers. 

Andreassen Bergli, A., Pedersen, S., & Maric, F. (2023). Tilrettelegging for aktiv transport i Tromsø – en urban design studie (Infrastructure for active transport in Tromsø – an urban design study). Fysioterapeuten Tidsskriftet.

Toner, A., Lewis, J. S., Stanhope, J., & Maric, F. (2021). Prescribing active transport as a planetary health intervention – benefits, challenges and recommendations. Physical Therapy Reviews26(3), 159–167.

Engström, Å., Juuso, P., Liljegren, M., & Lundmark Alfredsson, L. (2002). Vård, omsorg och rehabilitering utomhus – teori, praktik och nya perspektiv. Studentlitteratur.


Wagenfeld, A. (2024). Landscape design and the health professions: An expanded vision of interprofessional collaboration. Moving Earth – The Environmental Physiotherapy blog. 


The Learning Network by Nature and Health Alliance: An open-source digital archive of US-based case studies that demonstrate successful strategies for implementing designs and programs that increase access to high-quality nature and improve health

Courses coming soon

Coming soon!

Header image by camilo jimenez on Unsplash 


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