Other resources for environmental physiotherapy education
Environmental physiotherapy education does not exist in a vacuum but is in constant exchange with emerging parallel developments across education in planetary health, One Health, sustainable healthcare, EcoHealth, and many more. So much is happening in these fields that it is difficult for us to collate everything here but we hope the collated and occasionally updated materials presented here will give you some additional entry points from which to continue your reading, thinking, and development of environmental physiotherapy education.
Frost, J., & Hindle, L. (2023) Education for sustainable healthcare within UK pre-registration curricula for allied health professions. Council of Deans of Health. https://www.councilofdeans.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/ES-curricula-guidance-CoDH-version_SM-final-no-links.pdf
British Columbia Coalition (2020). Planetary Health Education resources and modules for a localized approach to Planetary Health.Institute Canadian Coalition for Global Health Research (CCGHR).
Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (2019). Climate Change Toolkit for Health Professionals.
Canadian Coalition for Green Healthcare: Green Hospital Scorecard: The Green Hospital Scorecard (GHS) is the only comprehensive health care benchmarking tool in Canada measuring energy conservation, water conservation, waste management and recycling, corporate commitment and pollution prevention.
Canadian Federation of Medical Students (CFMS) HEART Planetary Health Competencies & Toolkit
Climate for Health (2019). Moving Forward Toolkit. The Climate for Health: Moving Forward Toolkit provides guidance and tools to reduce energy use, to build resilient clinics and health departments, and advocate for climate solutions that prioritize health and equity. The website also provides a range of other helpful resources.
CoPEH-Canada Teaching Resources: A series of teaching and training resources for Ecosystems approaches to Health developed over more than a decade.
International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (2016). Climate and Health Training Manual. Enabling students and young professionals to understand and act upon climate change using a health narrative. Developed by IFMSA, with the support of World Health Organisation (WHO).
Nicholas, K. (2018). Climate Change We Can Fix It World Cafe: A 3 hour activity where students analyze, compare, and present climate solutions proposed and now underway from governments, non-governmental organizations, businesses, scientists, citizens, and more.
NurSusTOOLKIT for Sustainability Literacy and Competency (SLC in nurse education.) International Erasmus+ Project seeking to enhance the availability of an evidence-based learning offer in Sustainability Literacy and Competency (SLC) in nurse education.
One Health: Connecting Humans, Animals and the Environment Online Course (free). Future Learn: University of Basel.
One Health Lessons: Online resource for One Health lessons for children and the general public
One UN Climate Change Learning Partnership: The One UN Climate Change Learning Partnership (UN CC:Learn) is a joint initiative of more than 30 multilateral organizations helping countries to achieve climate change action both through general climate literacy and applied skills development. UN CC:Learn provides strategic advice and quality learning resources to help people, governments and businesses to understand, adapt, and build resilience to climate change.
Parkes, M.W., Poland, B., Allison, S. et al. (2019). Preparing for the future of public health: ecological determinants of health and the call for an eco-social approach to public health education. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 111: 60–64. doi:10.17269/s41997-019-00263-8
Stone, S., Myers, S., & Golden, C.D. (2018). Cross-cutting principles for planetary health education. Lancet Planetary Health, 2(5), PE192-E193. doi:10.1016/S2542-51961830022-6
TelessáudeRS (2021). Online Course on Planetary Health for Primary Care. https://www.ufrgs.br/telessauders/cursos/
Thompson, T., Walpole, S., Braithwaite, I., Inman, A. Barna, S., Mortimer, F. (2014). Learning objectives for sustainable healthcare. The Lancet, 384(9958), pp. 1924-1925. doi:10.1016/S0140-67361462274-1
UN CC:e-learn. Think, Talk, Act Climate. Free courses and certificates.
UNESCO Earth School – 30 Quests for students around the world to celebrate, explore and connect with nature.
The World’s Largest Lesson in collaboration with UNICEF: A UNICEF project looking to integrate ‘A lesson about the #GlobalGoals for Sustainable Development in every school on the planet’.
SDG education resources

Deighton, B. (2019). Q&A: Most SDGs ‘going into reverse’ – UN expert group member. SciDevNet: Bringing science and development together through news and analysis. Retrieved February 14, 2020.
Kopnina, H. (2012). Education for sustainable development (ESD): the turn away from ‘environment’ in environmental education? Environmental Education Research, 18(5), 699-717. doi:10.1080/13504622.2012.658028
Kopnina, H. (2020). Education for Sustainable Development Goals (ESDG): What Is Wrong with ESDGs, and What Can We Do Better? Education Sciences. 10(10): 261. doi:10.3390/educsci10100261
Oslo SDG Initiative: Achieving the SDGs: Global goals and national interests. Free online course by the Oslo SDG Initiative, University of Oslo, Norway.
Sachs, W. (1992). The Development Dictionary – a guide to knowledge as power. Zed Books Ltd., London, UK.
Sachs, W. (2015). Planet dialectics: Explorations in environment and development. Zed Books Ltd., London, UK.
TEACH SDGs: Volunteer organisation with the goal to actively support and enhance the work of the United Nations’ efforts within K-12 classrooms by connecting with global educators dedicated to responding to a call to action within education to meet the Sustainable Development Goals, pointing to open and accessible resources, lessons plans, and global projects directly aligned to the Sustainable Development Goals. See also their comprehensive ‘Responding to a Call to Action: How do you #TeachSDGs?’ blogpost.
The SDG Academy: The SDG Academy is the flagship education platform of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), a global initiative for the United Nations.
UNESCO What is Education for Sustainable Development? Retrieved February 20, 2020.
UNESCO (2018). Education for Sustainable Development and the SDGs: Learning to Act, Learning to Achieve. Policy Brief: Advancing ESD Policy. UNESCO Global Action Programme on Education for Sustainable Development. Retrieved February 20, 2020.
UNESCO (2017). Education for Sustainable Development Goals: learning objectives.
UNESCO and Gaia Education:
Header image by ian dooley on Unsplash
Other projects and resources in environmental physiotherapy education
There are an increasing number of projects and resources surrounding planetary health, environmental and sustainability education. For published literature and relevant websites please visit our resources page.

PREP-IP Persons with Refugee experience Education Project – Interprofessional
The PREP-IP project addresses the mismatch between the competence of healthcare professionals and the complex rehabilitation needs of a growing population of refugees and migrants in Europe.
In partnership with physiopedia and Plus, the Environmental Physiotherapy Association has launched an Environmental Physiotherapy Content Development Project and a growing range of Environmental Physiotherapy Courses featuring a growing number of courses related to environmental physiotherapy.