The Environmental Physiotherapy Association Blog features regular news, events and ideas on all things Environmental Physiotherapy.

The contributions presented in this blog do not necessarily represent the opinions and values of the Environmental Physiotherapy Association as such. Rather, they represent the thoughts and work of contributing authors and through these, an open and ongoing discussion of what an environmentally aware and responsible is, could and should be.

Please use our contact form if you are interested in contributing to Moving Earth: The Environmental Physiotherapy Association Blog. Contributions in any language and any format on all potentially related topics welcome! Please see our contribution guidelines at the bottom of this page. We appreciate your help in developing and advancing an environmentally aware and responsible physiotherapy profession across research, education and clinical practice.



Environmental Physiotherapy Education Podcast

by Filip Maric, Shaun Cleaver, Cliona O'Sullivan, Adriane Vieira & Olivia Stone | InBeta Unconference 2020

Environmental Physiotherapy on youtube

Moving Earth – Guidelines for blogposts:

    Text, video, audio, image and other types of contributions in any language are all welcome.

    If you contribute a text, we will need the following:  

    • text 250-1000 words to be sent in a word doc
    • 3-5 jpg images (horizontal alignment, high resolution, either from your private collection or licensed as ‘free to share and use’, sent as individual email attachments)
    • use of references is possible, but not mandatory (always depends on your topic). If you use references, please do so using APA7th.
    • a declaration clearly stating if and how AI was used in the creation of your blogpost

    Regardless of contribution type, for the author info box, please also send us

    • profile picture of yourself
    • your current title and role
    • max 40 word (2 sentences) text about yourself (check existing blogposts for some examples)
    • your Linkedin handle (if you have one; alternatively a website through which people can find how to contact you) 

    We appreciate your effort and support in developing and advancing environmental physiotherapy in all of its facets, and look forward to reviewing your draft contribution!