by Bodil Hansen Blix | Jul 30, 2024 | Ageing, Environmental Physiotherapy, Equity, Inclusion, Nature-based interventions
In the last decade, the Nordic countries have adopted policy strategies in response to population ageing. However, a recent study highlights a critical blind spot in these policies, concerning the older adults living in the arctic regions of Finland, Norway, Sweden,...
by Berta Paz Lourido | Jul 24, 2024 | Environmental Physiotherapy, Español
Cada acto consumado lleva inherente una pre-acción, la cual, en el mejor de los casos puede incluir un proceso reflexivo consciente. Esto es particularmente relevante en el ámbito de la educación, por lo que estas palabras intentarán, aunque sea de forma incompleta,...
by Amanda Maddern | Jul 3, 2024 | Biodiversity, EcoHealth, Environmental Issues and Health Impacts, Environmental Physiotherapy, Environmental Sustainability, Global warming, Greenspace Exposure, Planetary Health, SDGs
Between the dates of the October 6-8 2023, Brisbane, Australia became home of the Australian Physiotherapy Association’s national conference, IGNITE 2023. I was fortunate enough to attend this conference and was excited and inspired by the keynote presentation titled,...
by Nicole Struthers | Jun 27, 2024 | Environmental Physiotherapy, Nature-based interventions, Physiotherapy Research
Participate in a survey on nature prescriptions in MSK rehabilitation In partnership with the Environmental Physiotherapy Association (EPA), research led by Dr. Aleksandra Zecevic and Nicole Struthers (MPT/PhD student) at Western University in Canada are conducting an...
by Somaia Elmaky | Jun 25, 2024 | Environmental Physiotherapy, Nature-based interventions, Students in EPT
As one of the first events following the joining of the Qatar University Physiotherapy program at the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences into the Environmental Physiotherapy Association’s EPT Agenda 2023 (now commencing it’s next, 2027 phase), a group...
by Jessica Williams | Jun 19, 2024 | Environmental Philosophies, Environmental Physiotherapy
As physiotherapists, we recognize that one of our primary concerns lies in the support of well-being, a concept that is typically viewed through an anthropocentric lens. As underscored by Ton Gevers in his EPA blog post on Actor-network theory, anthropocentrism places...