by Somaia Elmaky | Jun 25, 2024 | Environmental Physiotherapy, Nature-based interventions, Students in EPT
As one of the first events following the joining of the Qatar University Physiotherapy program at the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences into the Environmental Physiotherapy Association’s EPT Agenda 2023 (now commencing it’s next, 2027 phase), a group...
by Richard Doran-Sherlock | Jun 5, 2024 | Environmental Physiotherapy, Greenspace Exposure, Nature-based interventions
People working in healthcare, regardless of their training or profession, are often motivated in part by a fascination with complexity. This may be expressed through ‘holism’ whereby one paradigm or model claims to have a unique value in understanding the myriad...
by Rosanne Silvis-Ottevanger | May 29, 2024 | Clinical Practice, Community Health, Environmental Physiotherapy, Events, Nature-based interventions, Urban Design and Sustainable Communities
Kleine stappen, grote betekenis Duurzaamheid in de fysiotherapie overstijgt het eenvoudig verminderen van de ecologische voetafdruk van individuele fysiotherapeuten of praktijken. Het gaat ook om het smeden van een gezonde en veerkrachtige samenleving. Onze recente...
by Charles Senay | Apr 2, 2024 | Environmental Physiotherapy, Nature-based interventions, Physiotherapy Education, Students in EPT
Many have published here their thoughts and experiences about bringing physiotherapy outdoors, in natural spaces or urban green spaces. But what is it about these spaces that can improve the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions? Is it as obvious as we might...
by Amy Wagenfeld | Mar 21, 2024 | Environmental Physiotherapy, Greenspace Exposure, Nature-based interventions, Occupational Therapy, Urban Design and Sustainable Communities
According to Mattessich and Monsey, interprofessional collaboration is a “a mutually beneficial and well-defined relationship entered into by 2 or more organizations to achieve common goals” (1992, p. 7). For many in allied healthcare, interprofessional collaboration...
by Margit Nikoline Langballe | Feb 12, 2024 | Environmental Physiotherapy, Greenspace Exposure, Nature-based interventions
Trees are the lifeblood of the earth. Their roots run deep in the soil and resemble the veins and arteries of our planet, sustaining and nourishing the life of the ground around them. Their very existence helps to create oxygen that sustains most life on our little...