Header image by David Clode on Unsplash
The first international Environmental Physiotherapy Festival
9-12 November 2023
Environmental physiotherapy has gone through an incredible evolution over the last four years. The EPA will soon have over 1000 members, planetary health, environmental and sustainability education is entering physiotherapy curricula everywhere around the world, new publications exploring the relationship between physiotherapy, environment and society in ever new ways are now regularly being released and so much more is happening that it has become impossible to even summarise it. So the only thing we can really do is CELEBRATE the incredible evolution of ENVIRONMENTAL PHYSIOTHERAPY with you at the first-ever international Environmental Physiotherapy Festival 2023!

Photo by Mitchell Luo on Unsplash
The Environmental Physiotherapy 2023 Festival Calendar
The Environmental Physiotherapy Festival calendar collates all sessions that will take place during the festival and a few days before and after it. Click on the individual session to get more specific information, meeting links, and more about them.
Remember that the EPT Festival is a kind of Guerilla or Zapatista style community event, minus the armed warfare bit, but with only the most minimal amount of central organisation, represented solely by this calendar. So sessions may run parallel and across each other, begin at one time and end a couple of days later, or even start in one place in the world but then continue in another.
These two lines from The Clandestine Revolutionary Indigenous General Command of the Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional might best explain what we are after and how we will do it:
There are no universal recipes, lines, strategies, tactics, laws, rules or slogans.
There is only a desire: to build a better world.
So let’s do it! #EnviroPT 🌏🌍🌎🚑
If the google calendar does not open on your browser, please try opening this page on another browser or follow this link to access the calendar directly.
See you at the first-ever International Environmental Physiotherapy Festival 2023!
The EPT festival call-for-celebrations
Because environmental physiotherapy is so diverse, covers so many topics, and takes so many shapes and forms, we thought that a standard congress or conference just wouldn’t do it justice. So as a community effort driven by the incredibly energetic and passionate contributions from so many people around the world, it makes sense for us to have a celebration that matches this, as a festival by and for the colourful potpourri of diversity that is environmental physiotherapy.
So here is how it’s going to go down: The festival will be FREE, flexible and community-driven. If you have an idea to connect, present, or really anything else related to environmental physiotherapy, we want to hear from you, have you join the celebration, and contribute if you have the capacity for it.
Run an environmental physiotherapy seminar, flashmob, academic lecture or presentation, tree-climbing session, workshop, neighbourhood clean-up, pubquiz, townhall, photo competition, focused symposium, or…
We welcome any kind of session!
You might want to have a synchronous or asynchronous face-to-face, online, or hybrid session, and it really can be whatever you would like it to be! You decide on the time, and you can run your session in whichever format or language you would like.

Photo by Mykyta Martynenko on Unsplash
Maybe your session is a one-on-one conversation on a parkbench sonewhere in your city?
If you would like to run a session of any type, please use the google form below to share your ideas with us!
Your submission will be reviewed by the EPA executive committee and we will be in touch with the outcome of your application and possible follow-up questions.
Be aware that the google form might change as we become aware of adjustments it might require but don’t worry, we will always support your ideas and contributions along the way.
You also don’t have to worry about session overlaps as we expect there to be parallel sessions. Aim for a date and time that works best for you, ideally within the festival dates 9-12 November 2023 (but we will happily promote activities outside of these dates too). Once accepted, your session will be added to the calendar at the bottom of this page.
There is also no registration fee but for some sessions you might need to sign up or register for practical reasons. With everything being free of charge, you have a golden opportunity to go nuts and participate in as many sessions and happenings as possible!
If the google form does not open in your browser please try another browser or use this word version of our session submission form and email it to us directly.