New EPA member Hannah Krappmann is grabing the bull by its horns and will be presenting her thoughts on sustainability in physiotherapy at the TheraPro Fair and Congress in Stuttgart Germany between 07.-09.02.2020. Hannah also serves as a current board member in the largest German physiotherapy association – PHYSIO DEUTSCHLAND (Landesverband Baden-Württemberg), so in every way, this is an exciting occasion for the further spread of environmental physiotherapy, now also in German-speaking countries. For those that might be able to make it there and as this is of particular interest to our German-speaking readers and members across Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, here is the info on her presentation in German:
Nachhaltigkeit im Praxisalltag und der Physiotherapie im Allgemeinen
Viele von uns achten im privaten Umfeld schon länger darauf, was für das Klima und den Umweltschutz getan werden kann. Im beruflichen Alltag kommt das oft zu kurz. Der Vortrag liefert Denkanstöße, welche kleinen Umstellungen schon große Wirkung erzielen und berichtet von der Arbeit der Environmental Physiotherapy Association (EPA). Diese hat sich das feste Ziel gesetzt die Physiotherapie international nachhaltiger zu machen. Neugierig geworden? Kommt vorbei!
Referentin: Hannah Krappmann, Vorstand PHYSIO-DEUTSCHLAND Baden-Württemberg
Datum und Uhrzeit: 07.02.2020, 14:00 – 14:30 Uhr
Ort: Seminar-/Workshopraum 2 in Halle 4

Hannah Krappmann
PT, Board Member PHYSIO DEUTSCHLAND (Baden-Württemberg)
Hannah is a physiotherapist with a passion for her profession and a desire to advance sustainability in physiotherapy. A former clinical practitioner, she currently serves as a full-time board member in the German physiotherapy association – Physio Deutschland (Baden Württemberg)