My brain is still buzzing with thoughts and ideas after two back-to-back conferences that featured contributions on environmental physiotherapy education amongst many other exciting themes. Thanks to their online format, you need not worry if you haven’t been able ‘to be there’ or be there ‘on the day’.

The 5th European Region World Physiotherapy Congress on Physiotherapy Education is still online and, if I am not mistaken, you can still register, immerse yourself in all the contributions on the platform and take part in ongoing Q&A. Amongst all of these contributions you can also view my video contribution on environmental physiotherapy education and the EPT Agenda 2023, as well as a video on integrating the Sustainable Development Goals in physiotherapy education by Annie Palstam, Mathias Anderson and Anton Grenholm from Dalarna University in Sweden.

The brilliant In Beta Unconference 2020 also just passed and a lot of the materials will stay available on their website including a podcast on environmental physiotherapy education. In order of appearance, I have to thank Dr Shaun Cleaver, Dr Cliona O’Sullivan, Dr Adriane Vieira and Dr Olivia Stone for their invaluable contributions without which the podcast could not have become what it has. To our listeners, I hope you will find some inspiration in what we put together and would love to hear from you whenever you have any thoughts, ideas or questions on the material we explored.

I believe that more material from the Unconference 2020 will be made available on the In Beta blog over the coming weeks and I recommend all of it equally as it is all highly relevant to environmental physiotherapy education.

I’m already looking forward to the next iterations of both of these conferences.

Filip Maric (PhD)

Filip Maric (PhD)

PT, EPA Founder & Executive Chair

Filip Maric is a lecturer and researcher interested in the outer rims of healthcare and physiotherapy, practical philosophy, ethics, #EnviroPT, planetary health and sea kayaking.