Ever since we have launched the Environmental Physiotherapy Association it has been our aim to advance the exploration and development of the relationship between physiotherapy, health and the environment in all of its facets. Today we are excited to share yet another significant channel and platform for doing so in collaboration with you all, the international physiotherapy community.
Thanks to stellar work by our new partners at Physiopedia and Physioplus we are launching two environmental physiotherapy projects on their platforms!
Physiopedia is the largest available free-access and continually updated physiotherapy knowledge resource and is used by people in every corner of the world, while Physioplus provides everything for your continuing education and professional development, giving you one place to go for your lifelong career needs.
The Environmental Physiotherapy Content Development Project on Physiopedia is an effort to get our hive-mind buzzing around all things environmental physiotherapy even more. We seek to inspire thinking and develop content about the many different ways that the environment is related to virtually every aspect of physiotherapy practice, research and education. There are no costs involved and everybody is welcome to contribute and help us build our understanding and approaches to environmental physiotherapy! We hope to get as many students involved in this effort as possible, so don’t be shy and dive into the exploration!
All physiopedia EPT pages that will be developed over the course of this content development project will be entirely free to access for everyone around the world!

Filip Maric (PhD)
PT, EPA Founder
Filip Maric is a physiotherapy lecturer and researcher at UiT The Arctic University of Norway. He is interested in the outer rims of healthcare and physiotherapy, practical philosophy, ethics, #EnviroPT, planetary health and sea kayaking.
The Environmental Physiotherapy Programme on physioplus will be featuring a growing platform for people wishing to learn about different aspects of environmental physiotherapy and an invitation to physiotherapists around the world to get involved in its collaborative exploration, development and implementation.
The first available course in this program is An Introduction to Environmental Physiotherapy. This course aims to provide people with an overview of the broad and diverse possibilities of this urgent and exciting new field. The course will quickly be followed by additional courses on active transport, green prescription, sustainable physiotherapy and many more aspects of environmental physiotherapy covered by other contributors… including yourself!
If you are not signed up with physioplus yet, you can get a 25% discount on your physioplus sign-up by following this link: http://bit.ly/EPA_25
We look forward to seeing you over on physiopedia and physioplus and can’t wait to work with you on the further development of environmental physiotherapy!
🌏 🌍 🌎 🚑 ❤️ #EnviroPT
Great idea.is it free for physical therapist to join