I was born and raised in Malta, a small island found in the middle of the Mediterranean that is hit with extreme currents from the North (coming from Greece and Italy) and South (from Libya and Tunis). Experiencing an island life, I always felt very close to the sea, even more so within the last 5 years. Raised by a family who had so much respect towards the sea made that bond even stronger.
Within the last few years, I have followed in the footsteps of my father (a professional diver) by organising and helping out at clean-up events. Together with my father, who is passionate about making videos, we formed a Facebook page that has over 10 thousand followers today. The videos we post there raise awareness on reducing the impact and suffering on the seas and have reached both national and international eyes by now.
During clean-up events, one can find me coordinating clean-up areas on land and getting my hands dirty alongside my father scuba diving underwater. Collecting tonnes and tonnes of waste is no-one-person job. With the incredible assistance of volunteers, our dedication towards safeguarding the sea has only risen year after year. To keep in mind that motivation, I had my fins signed with the #SaveOurSeas logo.

Martina Borg (BSc)
Martina graduated with a degree in physiotherapy and currently works at the national acute healthcare hospital since 2020. She has a passion for scuba diving and protecting the environment that she pours into extensive volunteering efforts.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, when most of the countries around the world were on lock-down, I was busy scuba diving and getting my licence at a later age than I had anticipated. During this time, I was also in my final year of physiotherapy studies, trying to finish off my degree, yet due to COVID-19, placements and examinations were postponed. This was the very first time I suffered horribly with my mental health, to the extent of breaking down physically and spiritually. Finally, self-isolation, quarantine periods, two-metre distances pushed me towards the sea in the pursuit of my passion. Having my own oxygen cylinder, swimming in tranquillity, with mid-perfect buoyancy within a medium, was only more motivating to assist our seas and our marine environments.

What were the most motivating experiences? Scuba diving to the limits of 50 metres below sea level, with decompression computers ticking and ticking, to remove entangled ghost nets from rock. Retrieving kilometres of never-ending fishing lines, saving tens of crayfish from ghost net entanglement. Slashing and tugging large nylon rope (entangled to the extent that their colours would form a rainbow), which would have fallen off fishing boats. Gathering and removing 500 tyres annually, boating equipment, the list goes on. Gathering at least 5 items found near your local beach or even from the side of the road is so easy and so rewarding. I encourage you to join the movement and become an active volunteer in clean-ups and environmental restoration so we can continue safeguarding our seas and preserving our lands together.
Martina Borg, PT, BSc
Well done Martina. Inspirational. Keep it up and I’d love to learn more.
Wow! Inspiring Martina! Keep it up
Well done Martina this is very inspirational for our professsion. I am keen to influence other physiotherapists here in Ireland to take the lead in bringing awareness to patients. Thank you !