by Jennifer Linkmeyer | Apr 12, 2023 | Environmental Physiotherapy, Events, Planetary Health
Die Health for Future Arbeitsgruppe ErgoLogoPhysio (ELP) lädt zusammen mit der Planetary Health Academy der Deutschen Allianz Klimawandel und Gesundheit e.V. (KLUG) zu einer kostenlosen, interaktiven Online-Veranstaltungsreihe zum Thema „Planetare Gesundheit in...
by Astrid Polzer | Mar 16, 2023 | Active Transport, Planetary Health
Was können Physiotherapeut:innen beitragen um einen Beitrag zur Nachhaltigkeit zu Leisten? Diese Frage stellen sich viele in der Health for Future AG ErgoLogoPhysio. Eine der verschiedenen möglichen Antworten war, einen Weg zu finden, dass mehr Grundschulkinder ihren...
by Noriko Yamaguchi | Jan 6, 2023 | Environmental Justice, Environmental Physiotherapy, Physiotherapy Education, Planetary Health
I recently chatted with a colleague about books that have changed our lives (1). It was literally a 2-minute conversation, but the idea of the impact of books still lingers in my mind. Counterintuitively, the readings that have had the most positive impact on my...
by Erin Keough | Dec 5, 2022 | Environmental Justice, Environmental Physiotherapy, Planetary Health, SDGs
The United Nations (UN) declared access to clean and healthy environments a universal human right in July 2022. This historic decision was voted in favour by 161 countries. But what exactly does this mean? And how does this apply to health care and rehabilitation?...
by Madelyn Yoo | Sep 20, 2022 | Occupational Therapy, Planetary Health, Transdisciplinarity
The Occupational Therapists for Environmental Action (OTEA) is an American network of occupational therapy (OT) practitioners, researchers, educators, and students advocating for the profession to address climate change. Occupations are everyday activities that...
by Emily Angst | Jul 20, 2022 | Environmental Physiotherapy, Events, Planetary Health, SDGs, Students in EPT
„Irritieren und Inspirieren“ war gemeinsam mit dem Health For Future (H4F) – Slogan „Gesundheit braucht Klimaschutz“ unser Motto. Unser Ziel war, Menschen durch Bewusstseinsschaffung für die Auswirkungen der Klimakrise auf unsere Gesundheit zu sensibilisieren...