Considering active lifestyles and transport in physiotherapy assessment methods
Broader context in the curriculum
At Mälardalen University, Västerås/Eskilstuna, Sweden, the physiotherapy curriculum is 3 years for BSc, 2 years for MSc, and then research education program. The BSc is necessary to be a registered physiotherapist in Sweden. After BSc the student can study further to MSc and thereafter in the PhD-program in Physiotherapy.
Pre-clinical course on methods for assessment in physiotherapy
The pre-clinical course of Methods for assessment in Physiotherapy (Course code FYS028), 15 ECT, in the first semester in the 2nd year of the BSc, is based on a biopsychosocial perspective and aims for the student to acquire behavioural medicine knowledge of and skills in methods for examination in physiotherapy. The aim is also for the student to be able to document and critically evaluate the suitability, reliability and validity of measurement methods. Furthermore, the student must acquire knowledge in exercise physiology and about factors that affect physical activity at the individual, group and community level.
Among learning goals for this course we have the following two:
1) identify, assess, and give simple advice regarding an individual’s lifestyle about physical activity, eating habits and the use of alcohol and tobacco
2) in advisory conversations assess an individual’s propensity for behavior change, plan and apply individual adaptation of physical activity based on learning theories and / or health psychological theories and models
The teaching is conducted in a varied way through literature studies, study assignments in groups, individual study assignments, lectures, laboratory work, Socratic conversations, method exercises, etc.
Examination of environmental specific parts of the course
Environment and sustainability aspects are discussed in the examining seminar based on the students’ sedentary behaviour and the environmental effects of active transport versus passive transport.

Prof. Dr. Anne Söderlund
Professor, School of Health, Care and Welfare, Mälardalen University, Sweden
Anne Söderlund (PhD) leads the multi-disciplinary BeMe-Health group of 20 researchers. Her research is on prevention, treatment, and evaluation of health problems from a behavioural medicine perspective in the physiotherapy. She has over 100 published scientific articles, is a member of the EFIC Academy Board, and Editor-in-Chief for the European Journal of Physiotherapy.
Johan Moberg
Johan Moberg is a physiotherapist and lecturer in the physiotherapy division of the School of Health, Care and Welfare, Mälardalen University, Västerås, Sweden.
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🇬🇧 We would love to hear from you and continue the conversation about our teaching initiative. If you have any feedback, questions or ideas that you would like to share with us, please contact Johan Moberg via email or use the comment form below.