Organizational perspectives on healthcare and physiotherapy

Broader context in the curriculum

At Mälardalen University, Västerås/Eskilstuna, Sweden, the physiotherapy curriculum is 3 years for BSc, 2 years for MSc, and then research education program. The BSc is necessary to be a registered physiotherapist in Sweden. After BSc the student can study further to MSc and thereafter in the PhD-program in Physiotherapy.


Physiotherapy: Organizational perspectives on healthcare 

The course Physiotherapy: Organizational perspective on healthcare, 7,5 ECT (Course code FYS043) takes place in the last semester of our 3-year BSc program. The aim of the course is to acquire an in-depth understanding of the organization and development processes within Swedish health care as well as knowledge of the physiotherapist’s areas of activity within and outside public health and health care. Furthermore, the course aims for the student to be able to analyze and apply theories/models for changes at the group and organizational levels.

Among learning goals for this course we have the following:

1) explain the specific organizational conditions and development processes of health care

One part of the course aims to provide the student with a theoretical basis for facilitating the understanding of behavioural changes at the organizational level within the health care system including contributing to sustainable environmental aspects in organizational changes. The teaching aims for the students in the future to be able to participate in and lead change work in organizations.

Teaching and literature address mapping and evaluation of the health service’s impact on the climate as well as examples of systematic measures for health service’s impact on the climate.


Resources used as a basis for discussions

Articles about healthcare’s energy and resource consumption and its burdensome impact on the environment are discussed in the course. General course literature includes:

Alvesson, Mats; Cizinsky, Stella. Organisation och ledning i sjukvård: en reflekterande ansats. Upplaga 1: Lund: Studentlitteratur, [2018] – 302 sidor. ISBN:9789144120195 LIBRIS-ID:x5sq5tztvj31kp19

Blomqvist, Paula. Vem styr vården? organisation och politisk styrning inom svensk sjukvård. Upplaga 1: Stockholm: SNS förlag, 2007 – 248 s. ISBN:9789185695157 LIBRIS-ID:10415714

    Prof. Dr. Anne Söderlund

    Prof. Dr. Anne Söderlund

    Professor, School of Health, Care and Welfare, Mälardalen University, Sweden

    Anne Söderlund (PhD) leads the multi-disciplinary BeMe-Health group of 20 researchers. Her research is on prevention, treatment, and evaluation of health problems from a behavioural medicine perspective in the physiotherapy. She has over 100 published scientific articles, is a member of the EFIC Academy Board, and Editor-in-Chief for the European Journal of Physiotherapy.

    Johan Moberg


    Johan Moberg is a physiotherapist and lecturer in the physiotherapy division of the School of Health, Care and Welfare, Mälardalen University, Västerås, Sweden.

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    🇬🇧  We would love to hear from you and continue the conversation about our teaching initiative. If you have any feedback, questions or ideas that you would like to share with us, please contact Johan Moberg via email or use the comment form below.


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