by Filip Maric | Dec 20, 2024
Interdisciplinary learning in public health for physiotherapy and occupational therapy students In Norway, the Bachelor program in physiotherapy is a three-year full-time program comprising 180 ECTS. At the UiT The Arctic University of Norway, in 2021, we had an...
by Andrea Ribeiro | May 13, 2024
Introdução do tema da Fisioterapia Ambiental na licenciatura de Fisioterapia no ISAVE, Portugal Introdução O tema da Fisioterapia Ambiental ainda é um desafio em Portugal, muitos desconhecem a nossa aproximação a este tema, assim como, de que modo o podemos incluir...
by Kerstin McPherson | Oct 16, 2023
Punk it up! – Introducing physiotherapy students to climate change Introduction The physiotherapy program at Charles Sturt University is 4 years long and is delivered over three campuses in rural NSW, Australia. PHS306 Exploring the Breadth of Physiotherapy...
by Audrey Jane Campbell | Sep 1, 2023
Including Environmental Physical Therapy in a Population Health Elective Introduction Misericordia University is a small university in the Northeast of the USA that offers a three-year Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree. One initiative to introduce the concept of...
by Danielle Munford | Apr 6, 2023
Introducing Environmental Sustainability to 3rd-year Physiotherapy students at University of Plymouth, UK Introduction As a result of the global industrialisation process, global temperatures are increasing. This is leading to increased extreme weather events...