by Annie Palstam | Nov 8, 2022 | Clinical Practice, Environmental Physiotherapy, Environmental Sustainability, SDGs
With the goal of decarbonization and carbon neutrality in the health sectors of many countries by 2050, health professionals must implement systemic changes in clinical practice to reduce carbon use, whilst meeting equity targets and improving health outcomes. Methods...
by Filip Maric | Sep 16, 2022 | Environmental Physiotherapy, Events, Physiotherapy Education, SDGs
Exciting news seem a near regularity in environmental physiotherapy now. And why not. With so much that still needs doing, we need them very much. The latest in the series, effective as of today, is a new partnership with ENPHE – The European Network of...
by Emily Angst | Jul 20, 2022 | Environmental Physiotherapy, Events, Planetary Health, SDGs, Students in EPT
„Irritieren und Inspirieren“ war gemeinsam mit dem Health For Future (H4F) – Slogan „Gesundheit braucht Klimaschutz“ unser Motto. Unser Ziel war, Menschen durch Bewusstseinsschaffung für die Auswirkungen der Klimakrise auf unsere Gesundheit zu sensibilisieren...
by Filip Maric | May 3, 2022 | Aquatic PT and bluespace exposure, Environmental Issues and Health Impacts, Environmental Philosophies, Physiotherapy Research, SDGs
A little over one year ago, one of our first-year physiotherapy students at UiT The Arctic University of Norway wrote a fictional account of a future in which multidisciplinary teams of natural scientists, physiotherapists and many others were tasked to sail to the...
by Lauren Pike | Apr 18, 2022 | Active Transport, Greenspace Exposure, Planetary Health, SDGs, Students in EPT
In their final year of training, undergraduate physiotherapy students at the University of South Australia develop their skills and knowledge in health promotion through experiential learning. The students apply concepts and theory of health promotion to a project...
by Filip Maric | Mar 24, 2022 | Clinical Practice, Environmental Physiotherapy, Environmental Sustainability, SDGs
Environmental physiotherapy has made great strides as the newest field in our profession over the last two and a half years thanks to the incessant efforts, passion and collaboration of an incredibly quickly growing critical mass of environmental physiotherapy...